Sustainable Wellness Alpha Community
What makes the nearly- decade- old company, Simply: Health Coaching (S:HC) unique is the understanding of bio-individualized, sustainable wellness. Meaning that, in this Alpha Community, you will find fundamental health and wellness information, resources, and suggestions to test out for yourself—but not on your own. A large part of the wellness journey puzzle lies in the close knit Alpha Community that provides both celebrations for your wins and support for the challenges.
Reliable fundamental health and wellness information with links for deeper dives plus discussion threads.
Access to quarterly programs such as Spring Cleaning, Stewarding Emotional Eating™, and Stress Less in 5 Weeks.
Access to infographics: share with your team, post in the break room, or stick to your own fridge at home!
Links to past and upcoming blog posts and podcast episodes with discussion threads.
Premium Alpha Community
Everything in the Basic Alpha Community.
Access to Liza’s monthly Mid-week Wellness Workshops + replays.
Access to Liza’s monthly Fl!p Your K!tchen® Sessions cooking demos + replays.
YOURstory session – to get you started on your wellness journey
Health Mapping Session – to plan out your next steps
1:1 check-ins by appointment, held Wednesdays between 10am-12pm ET via Zoom
Weekly group office hours held Wednesdays at 12pm ET via Zoom.
Reduced rates on all of S:HC’s coaching programs and packages, including:
- Group programs, such as EAT™ | Your Way to Health and Stewarding Emotional Eating™
- Individual coaching in 6- and 12-session packages

About the Curator
Sustainable Wellness Alpha Community Curator, Liza Baker, is a committed employee wellness consultant, health coach, author, blogger, and podcaster at Simply: Health Coaching. Liza practices an integrative approach to health and wellness, helping you to discover how all facets of your life are connected (to your health and to each other), and how your food and lifestyle choices nourish you (or don’t). Deep down, you know what to do—Liza will teach you how to listen to that still, small voice you’ve (maybe) been ignoring. Let’s take a unique wellness journey—together!